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using database Escherichia coli K-12 substr. MG1655 

Pathways (15) | Genes (3) | Proteins (136) | RNAs (17) | Compounds (100) | Biological Roles (1) | Gene Ontology Terms (102) | Reactions (6) | EC Numbers (58) | Transcription Units (5) | Organisms (5) | Growth Media (2)
Pathways Pathway pages contain: Depiction of metabolic pathway, of chromosomal locations of pathway genes, and of regulation of pathway genes.
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Genes Gene/Gene Product pages contain: chromosomal location of gene; depiction of its operon; link to genome browser; detailed summaries and citations; subunit structure (for protein complexes); cofactors, activators, and inhibitors (for enzymes), depiction of regulon (for transcriptional regulators), protein features.
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Proteins Gene/Gene Product pages contain: chromosomal location of gene; depiction of its operon; link to genome browser; detailed summaries and citations; subunit structure (for protein complexes); cofactors, activators, and inhibitors (for enzymes), depiction of regulon (for transcriptional regulators), protein features.
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RNAs Gene/Gene Product pages contain: chromosomal location of gene; depiction of its operon; link to genome browser; detailed summaries and citations; subunit structure (for protein complexes); cofactors, activators, and inhibitors (for enzymes), depiction of regulon (for transcriptional regulators), protein features.
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Compounds Compound pages contain: compound structural information, and links to all reactions and pathways in which the compound participates.
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Biological Roles Biological role pages contain links to compounds or proteins that fill that role, and to reactions involving the role.
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Gene Ontology Terms GO term pages contain: Parent and child terms, and lists of matching gene products. Note that only those terms that have one or more associated genes in the selected organism (or that have children with one or more associated genes) are listed.
Biological Process
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Molecular Function
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Cellular Component
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Reactions Reaction pages contain: reaction equation with chemical structures, links to all enzymes that catalyze the reaction, and all pathways in which the reaction participates.
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EC Numbers EC Number pages contain: links to reaction and enzymes associated with the EC number in this database, names, description, citations, etc. from the Enzyme Commission ontology.

Transcription Units Transcription Unit pages contain: Detailed information about gene regulation including location of promoter and transcription factor binding sites, and regulators that control the promoter.
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Organisms Organisms pages contain: Detailed information about the database of an organism.
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Growth Media
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Page generated by Pathway Tools version 28.5 (software by SRI International) on Thu Feb 13, 2025, BIOCYC13A.
EcoCyc version 28.5.